/Converge offers free speed upgrade upto 300Mbps for existing subscribers

Converge offers free speed upgrade upto 300Mbps for existing subscribers

What’s the best way to celebrate 1 million subscribers?  Giving speed boosts to existing subscribers apparently and that’s a good thing.  Converge ICT has announced that it’s offering a free speed increase to its subscribers of up to 300 Mbps.

Starting December 15, both existing and new subscribers will be able to enjoy permanent speed upgrades to their plans without additional fees.

Yes, you read that right, permanent speed boost

For existing subscribers: you need to simply log on to go-faster-now.convergeict.com and provide your account details;
• For new subscribers, the application may be done via Converge ICT’s self-serve app site, https://gofiber.ph/.  Do note that new subscribers will be able to enjoy their first month for free, provided they applied during the duration of the promo from December 12, 2020, to January 31, 2021.